Indulgencies for the Sanctuary
The gift of a complete indulgence refers to the beginnings of Kalwaria Sanctuary when the Pope Paul V with the Bill Splendor paternae gloriae in 1612, answering the request of the contemporary bishops and founders, granted the gift of a complete indulgence for those who would piously walk along the Passion Avenues.
The conditions of getting a complete indulgence:
- A sacramental confession
- Holy Communion
- Prayer in the intention of the Holy Father
- No adhering to any sin
Practical tips
Indulgences for the Sanctuary
The Apostle Penitentiary grants the Complete Indulgence to the order of the Holy Father to those of the faithful, who:
I. piously visit the Basilica or the church of (36) Crucifixion or the church of (8) Our Lady’s Tomb in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska and will take part in a service there or will say "Our Father" and "I believe in God…"
c) any time take part in a pilgrimage which goes there in a group,
d) once a year on any chosen day
II. In the church (34) of The Third Fall or in the chapel (22) of "Caiaphas’ House" will take part piously in the holy celebrations of venerating the Passion and the Death of Jesus Christ:
c) on each Friday after the Ash Wednesday until Good Friday
d) once a year on any chosen day
III. In the church called (21) Our Lady’s Hut will take part piously in the services
c) on the liturgical recollection of the BVM,
d) once a year on any chosen day
In other cases one may be granted a partial indulgence.
The above indulgences were granted permanently.
It is valid no matter for any other contradictory regulations.
+Aloisius De Magistris, The Major Penitentiary,
Fr. Ioannes Maria Gervais